Sunday, September 19, 2021


Have you ever wondered why smooth and unblemished skin is a thing reserved only for celebrities and internet-figures? In other words : people with more money. That is because healthy skin is not something you are born with but strive to perfect it while you compete with adolescence and external factors as you grow. Money is just a catalyst. A very effective one. Combined with exorbitant skin-protection, enhancement creams and surgeries too expensive to pronounce, you probably have the shorter end of the stick. But here’s the recipe for clear skin that extends far beyond a healthy exterior to benefit your entire body while cosmetic products can only do so little. 

In short, you are what you consume and the healthier you eat the more your body will thank you in the form of a fit mind and body. Carbohydrates (sugar)  and unhealthy fats age skin faster than your birthdays do. 

Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, encourage thick and supple skin. Omega-3 deficiencies themselves can impact your skin negatively by making them dry and prone to the sun. Salmon, mackerel, and herring are good examples of fish with high amounts of Omega-3. They aid in fighting the negative effects of UV rays from the sun. 

Walnuts, an old friend of this blog, makes fatty acids. These are unavailable in the body naturally. Proclaiming itself as the king of all nuts, it contains more omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than any other nut. These prevent skin inflammations. 

Zinc also helps fight inflammation and bacteria cluttering your skin. Since they are known to help heal wounds, they reduce acne scarring significantly compared to someone who doesn’t have zinc in their diet. Foods rich in zinc include : walnuts, pumpkin seeds, cashews, lentils, fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, nuts and fatty fish. It is recommended that 40mg of zinc is to be consumed every day to treat acne. 

Carotenoids play the role of a natural sunblock and as fate may have it, sweet potatoes contain beta carotene. This prevents dry and wrinkly skin and sunburns. Paying tribute to its name, large amounts of beta carotene gives your skin a warm orange tone. Other items containing carotenoids include oranges, carrots and spinaches. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


The weighing machine is your enemy turned lover. You learn to
infatuate yourself with the scale and addictively watch as digital
numbers flutter through as if it were a thriller. You learn to love
yourself enough to hate every inch of unhealthiness. You learn to
enjoy the flesh-searing brunt of exercise but you never learn the
sweet relief of chipped fat.

Losing weight is a straightforward reaction, you think. Put in effort,
put in the right exercises and passion and it feels like you’ve cut
off your bulges with scissors. Except nothing changes in your body but
the sore ache of muscles. And no, this is not another reminder that a
proper low-carb diet should be synonymous to fat-burning exercises.
It’s more of what comes with it.

Water is a necessity most forget about unless you’re parched or
survive long enough without it to want some. Drinking water
consistently throughout the day, especially right before meals, helps
significantly increase the amount of calories burned. Especially since
you won’t snack irresponsibly if you’re moderately full with water. A
tip that tricks your brain into thinking you’ve had enough food is to
use smaller plates than usual.

Cut down on drinking habits to cut down on your weight. Beverages like
alcohol, beer and wine contain large amounts of calories and it would
be better to lower their influence on you irrespective of weight.
Food, no matter what kind, is always filling. Sometimes we don’t
recognise the feeling enough to stop because of the distractions
around us attracting our attention but chewing slowly, methodically
and attentively—registering every flavour and texture—allows us to
acknowledge when we feel full enough to stop eating much accurately.

Protein, especially, plays an important role in losing weight if you
let it. Protein-rich foods can limit your carbohydrate cravings by
increasing metabolism. It also prevents you from regaining weight.
Eating a protein enriched breakfast is scientifically proven to reduce
sugar cravings and keeps you mostly feeling full to help you power
through the day.


The king of proteins amongst nuts, walnuts are a tough competitor to
crack in the race to fitness between its fellow nut competitors.
Blessed with mono and polyunsaturated fats, fibre, and omega-3 fatty
acids, they avert the stereotype that consider them unhealthy because
of their high-calorie quality due to their largely beneficent traits
that tip the scale to their favour enormously.

In fact, a research published in the British Journal Of Nutrition
confirmed that eating nuts four times per week or more decreased the
chances of coronary heart disease—the most common heart disease—by 37
per cent compared to an individual who doesn’t! Especially because of
huge quantities of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids
which decrease LDL cholesterol and triglyceride percentages.

Aside from being a single, large store of proteins, they provide large
amounts of nutrients-especially beneficial for heart patients! To be
more specific, walnut kernels consist of 14.8 g protein, 15.8 g
carbohydrates, 64g fat, 2.1 g fibre, 1.9 g ash, 99 mg calcium, 380 mg
phosphorus, 450 mg potassium per 100 g.

With a formidable proportion of proteins, fibres and fats packed in a
tiny brain-like structure, walnuts are great additions to diets as
proven by their immense healthiness and fullness achieved when eaten.
This prevents unneeded snackings and cravings by instead substituting
it with a healthier, more energy-packed, item.


Bananas can help moderate blood sugar levels after meals and may
reduce appetite by slowing stomach emptying. Bananas are fairly rich
in fiber and resistant starch, which may feed your friendly gut
bacteria and safeguard against colon cancer. Bananas may aid weight
loss because they’re low in calories and high in nutrients and fiber.
Bananas are a great dietary source of potassium. One medium-sized
banana (118 grams) contains 9% of the RDI.

A potassium-rich diet can help lower blood pressure, and people who
eat plenty of potassium have up to a 27% lower risk of heart disease.
Depending on ripeness, bananas harbor high amounts of resistant starch
or pectin. Both may reduce appetite and help keep you full. Bananas
have 12 mg of choline (3% DV), a fat-blasting B vitamin that acts
directly on the genes that cause fat storage in the abdomen
Other studies note that those who eat bananas 4–6 times a week are
almost 50% less likely to develop kidney disease than those who don’t
eat this fruit. One 13-year study in women determined that those who
ate bananas 2–3 times per week were 33% less likely to develop kidney

Bananas may help relieve muscle cramps caused by exercise. They also
provide excellent fuel for endurance exercise. According to the FDA,
"the combination of a low-sodium, high potassium intake is associated
with the lowest blood pressure levels and lowest frequency of stroke
in individuals and populations. Well, guess what? Bananas are high in
potassium and low in sodium, the fruit is officially recognized by the
FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart
attack and stroke.

If you've recently eaten at BK or other fast-food chains, you've
likely consumed trans fats—the kind of fat that raises your LDL
("bad") cholesterol levels. Before you reach for the Lipitor, grab a
banana. They contain phytosterols, which are compounds that have LDL
cholesterol-lowering effects according to a study in The Journal Of
Nutrition. Additionally, "Bananas contain Vitamin B6 which is
important for nearly everything—heart health, immune health, digestive
health, and nervous system function," says Bjork.


Have you ever wondered why smooth and unblemished skin is a thing reserved only for celebrities and internet-figures? In other words : peopl...